
ADHD Preschoolers Guide

For: Babies/kindergarten/Nursery School Children, Ages 3 – 6

ADHD Preschoolers Guide

For: Babies/kindergarten/Nursery School Children, Ages 3 – 6

ADHD and Toddlers

The American Association of Pediatrics has published guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in children aged 4 to 18, but for preschoolers and babies, there are no official guidelines.

However, ADHD can and is often diagnosed in children 3 years old and even younger. One of the difficulties with diagnosing ADHD babies and ADHD in preschoolers is that much of their behaviour could be interpreted simply as the natural behaviour of an infant.

When the exuberant behaviour of a preschooler becomes excessive and disruptive to every-day life, there is pause to wonder whether ADHD may be the cause.

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ADHD in Preschoolers

    1. Signs and symptoms of ADHD in babies and preschoolers – Learn about the signs and symptoms of ADHD in preschoolers like hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness so you can spot whether your child might need help.
    2. Diagnosis of ADHD in preschoolers and infants – Although there are no guidelines for the diagnosis of ADHD in children under 4 years old, many experts do diagnose ADHD is toddlers and even babies. Diagnosis of ADHD in young children is done by a comprehensive assessment of the preschooler’s behavior in various settings by a medical professional.
    3. ADHD treatment for preschoolers – The first-line of treatment for preschoolers with ADHD is almost always behavioral therapy and parent training. If therapy is not successful medication may be prescribed.
    4. ADHD self-test for preschoolers – If you suspect that your preschooler or infant may have ADHD take this useful self-test.
    5. Medication for ADHD preschoolers – Medication is usually left as a last resort when treating ADHD in nursery school children. If behavioral therapy has failed or is not an option then stimulant medication may be prescribed.
    6. Shop ADHD supporting products – Find here a selection of ADHD support products for parents with ADHD kindergarten-age children.
    7. Speech delay – Toddlers with speech delays often display symptoms similar to those of ADHD, for example, irritability, lack of focus and frustration. Speech delay can also be a sign of ADHD. [62]
    8. Sleep issues in ADHD toddlers and ADHD babies – Sleep disorders in toddlers and nursery school children may be due to ADHD or problems such as fear and anxiety, or as a side effect of ADHD medication.  [63]  [65]
    9. Social skills of ADHD preschoolers – Social skills are often an issue with ADHD preschoolers. There are a number of ways nursery school children with ADHD can be helped develop social skills.


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Guide Topics

Coping with a baby or toddler with ADHD can be challenging, frustrating, and sometimes heartbreaking. Although many parents feel alone and helpless when they notice the signs of ADHD in their infant there are extensive resources available for parents of babies with ADHD and ADHD preschoolers.

After the symptoms of ADHD have been ongoing for 6 months or more, a medical professional may diagnose ADHD in a preschooler and then recommend treatment. ADHD treatment in children under 4 years old is usually behavioral therapy.

Only if behavioral therapy has not worked is a medication prescribed. In the following pages you can find advice and guidance on how to spot the early signs of ADHD in babies; symptoms of ADHD in toddlers and the available treatments and medication.

If you think your baby, toddler, or preschooler may have ADHD you should speak with your pediatrician.




How early can you tell if baby has ADHD?

Although there are no American Association of Pediatrics guidelines for the diagnosis of ADHD in children younger than 4 years of age, many children are diagnosed with ADHD as toddlers. For most children, the signs of ADHD are only diagnosed in elementary school. It can be hard to determine if the behavior of babies and toddlers is due to ADHD or other co-occurring problems. Early signs that a baby or toddler may have ADHD or develop ADHD later in life can include high levels of energy, irritability, tantrums, and impulsive behavior that disrupts family life. For a preschooler to be diagnoses with ADHD they must have displayed ADHD symptoms for at least 6 months. Nursery school children who display ADHD symptoms but do not have ADHD can usually focus at times on activities that absorb their interest, like a favorite toy. Diagnosis of ADHD in babies may be determined by a delay in motor development, excessive crying, and speech delays. Although doctors prefer not to diagnose ADHD in children younger than 4 years old it is not unheard of. The problem with evaluating ADHD in infants and toddlers is that many of the symptoms of ADHD can be attributed to other developmental problems and the preschooler may grow out of the symptoms.


How do babies get ADHD?

There is some research to support the theory that babies can have ADHD due to genetic factors or a history of ADHD in the family. A baby is 50% more likely to have ADHD if his parent has ADHD. ADHD in babies and preschoolers may be due to developmental problems. It is possible that a baby with ADHD has a mother who drank alcohol, smoked, or took drugs during pregnancy.

A baby may display symptoms of ADHD if their mother was exposed to environmental toxins during pregnancy. Babies and preschoolers may have ADHD due to serious central nervous system problems or head injuries occurring during their development. All of these factors raise the chances that a baby will have ADHD but they do not mean that the infant will definitely have ADHD.