ADHD Online Self-Test for Children
Although only a medical professional trained in ADHD diagnosis can evaluate your child, you could start by using our online self-test to get a better understanding of the symptoms your child is experiencing.
You can use our site’s ADHD self-test online by filling in what you observe about your child’s behavior. When you have assessed whether your child has the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder you can meet with your healthcare provider.
Our online ADHD assessment forms for children require that you fill in details about your child. If you think your child is able to do this alone, or with your help then there is an online child ADHD self-report scale.
Read in this guide:
- How do I get my child tested for ADHD?
- Does my kid have ADD Quiz?
- How do you assess a child for ADHD?
- At what age can a child be diagnosed with ADHD?
- Can a 2-year-old have ADHD?